Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Moving Right Along

This morning I received this accolade for continuing with Lose It! for four weeks straight. The program is so easy to use and I have been showing it to everyone I know. I really feel like I have not only helping myself lose the weight, but I am helping others do the same. Everything I said about this program is true. I am losing weight using this program. It is definitely keeping me on track.

      I am concerned with some aspects of my weight loss journey. I mentioned before that I am struggling to keep my daily protein grams above 75. Experts recommend an intake of at least 75 grams of protein but believe that having an intake of more than 115 grams is better. Personally i think that if I don't have adequate protein intake, I will burn muscle instead of fat. I definitely don't want to do that, so believe that keeping above 75 grams of protein is very important.

       Proteins help the body repair itself after an injury. The body will break down proteins (along with carbohydrates and fats) to provide the body with energy to prevent us from becoming fatigued.  Proteins also help the body resist disease by helping the immune system function adequately. Protein makes up a significant share of the muscles in our bodies, and adequate protein is important for  healthy muscle maintenance.  Protein is also a key ingredient to healthy skin, hair, nails and cartilage. The body does not store spare protein, so healthy protein must be eaten on a daily basis.
        Our body breaks protein down into amino acids, which are necessary for building muscle and blood. Our bodies have 22 amino acids divided into the categories--essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids  Our bodies can make some of their own essential acids, but some most come from protein containing foods.

         Proteins come from complete proteins. Complete proteins contain all the essential amino acids. Good sources of complete proteins come from animals. For instance, fish, beef, chicken and milk all contain complete proteins. Proteins, however, can also be incomplete proteins which do not contain all the amino acids. Healthy food choices for incomplete proteins include, nuts, such as walnuts, beans and brown rice. By combining incomplete proteins with complimentary amino acids, (such as beans and rice) complete proteins can be created.

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